Thursday, December 9, 2010

I found this video from freshman year while looking through some files on my computer. It's a short clip from a stop motion film that I created with my friend Emily (she's in the video). It's compiled completely from consecutive pictures that were taken in this alley way in Richmond. We only used a Digital SLR, no video cameras, and put the pictures back to back to create this. The completed ten minute film used, I believe about 1,200 photographs that I took. The clip is super short but I love it just the same. I'll have to post more clips of it after I sort my files. 2007

Final Crit Today

I just had my final critique today for my glass casting class. I decided to show these tack-fused pieces that I have been working on for the past few weeks.
Tack-Fused Glass. December 2010.

Welcome to My World

I thought I would share with everyone the wonderful world of the glass department senior space. This is where I spend most of my waking hours and a number of my sleeping ones too. I share the area with four other seniors, so it gets kind of crazy sometimes...

This is a design I burned onto a piece of birch wood with gathers of hot glass from the furnace in the hot shop. It's currently just sitting on a shelf in my senior space collecting glass and other random objects around it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rubber Disaster

I thought these pictures were kind of funny. Though my finished products may turn out well, the process by which I get to them is not as pretty... This is quite possible the worst rubber mould I have ever made, but I was too stubborn to start over. Despite the fact that I had to sit for a good half hour with my hands holding it together while the rubber set up, the mould still yielded some pretty awesome waxes...
(This was for the conjoined twins pictured below)

My most recent glass casting, currently on display in the Hawthorne Gallery showcase in the Fine Arts building at VCU. Photos of both versions (with and without fabric flowers).
Joined at Separation. Kiln cast glass, muslin. 2010

The almost finished product of a silk scarf painting from my fibers class. 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

This is a glass piece from last year that I forgot to include earlier...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

This one time in art school...

This is Sven, the inflatable lawn gnome.

Plastic Table Cloth. 2008