Thursday, December 9, 2010

I found this video from freshman year while looking through some files on my computer. It's a short clip from a stop motion film that I created with my friend Emily (she's in the video). It's compiled completely from consecutive pictures that were taken in this alley way in Richmond. We only used a Digital SLR, no video cameras, and put the pictures back to back to create this. The completed ten minute film used, I believe about 1,200 photographs that I took. The clip is super short but I love it just the same. I'll have to post more clips of it after I sort my files. 2007

Final Crit Today

I just had my final critique today for my glass casting class. I decided to show these tack-fused pieces that I have been working on for the past few weeks.
Tack-Fused Glass. December 2010.

Welcome to My World

I thought I would share with everyone the wonderful world of the glass department senior space. This is where I spend most of my waking hours and a number of my sleeping ones too. I share the area with four other seniors, so it gets kind of crazy sometimes...

This is a design I burned onto a piece of birch wood with gathers of hot glass from the furnace in the hot shop. It's currently just sitting on a shelf in my senior space collecting glass and other random objects around it.